Board of Fire Commissioners Meeting Minutes – May 8, 2023
Board of Fire Commissioners
Glenville Fire District #2
Alplaus, NY 12008
Minutes of May 8, 2023 Meeting
1. Meeting called to order at 7:03 pm
In Attendance: Commissioners Joe La Coppola, Andy Gilpin, Richard Doyle, John McLeod, Mike McHale (remote) Chief Glenn Kreig, Treasurer Tom Esmond
Absent: Secretary Kathleen Casey
2. Motion to approve the agenda
Motion: A Gilpin Seconded: R Doyle
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
3. Motion to approve the minutes of the March meeting
Motion: A Gilpin Seconded: R Doyle
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
4. Public hearing and Requests for Use
A. Motion to approve the Mayfair Nursery School 6/10/23, 5-9:30pmto hold a movie night fundraiser.
Motion: R Doyle Seconded: J McLeod
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion Carried
5. Chairman’s comments
- Presentation by Kariann Wolf Morris (of MadAddie) and Cassandra Coppola regarding an updated website for the fire department.
6. Chief’s Monthly Report
A. Activity and Calls – Chief Glenn Kreig presented the Chief’s report for the month of April, 2023 (Copy attached). There were 35 alarms – averaging 6.8 members per call.
B. Training report – 3 drills, including HAZMAT, Boat Operations, and Pump Operations
C. Equipment report – EMS Jackets in, new combi tool came in, thermal imaging camera in, gas meter is in service, Lexipol process has started. $1040 quote from MES. Quote for boat suits (exposure suits) want to buy 2 more suits, $550 each for medium suits.
Motion to approve suit purchase
Motion: M McHale Seconded: J McLeod
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
Motion to accept chief report:
Motion McHale Seconded: J McLeod
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
D. Roster Change – None
8. New Business – Regarding the website presentation, board feels it’s more than we need at this time. With discount, cost around 4800. May not need members only section.
Brick project: end date 7/31. Money from sales being redirected back into the project. Schulz landscaping will work with us at a reduced rate
9. Standing Committee Reports –
A. Long Range – No report
B. Buildings & Grounds – had locks repaired. no report
C. Equipment – No report
D. Safety and Regulatory Programs – No report (will be hydrotesting bottles)
E. Communications and Warnings – AFD now removed from the legal case
F. Medical and Physical Program – no report
G. Finance – no report
H. Service Awards Program – reviewed annual report
10. Special Committee Reports.
Sign: getting money from grant. Need to come to an agreement on how to manage the sign.
may 17 – is public hearing for the town re: tax break
11.. Treasurer’s Report –
Andy Gilpin reviewed the bank statements
A. Tom Esmond presented his report and showed a balance of $447,399.29 in the Operating Fund, and $154,017.85 in the Reserve Funds as of April 30, 2023
Motion to approve the treasurer’s balance sheet report
Motion: A Gilpin Seconded: J McLeod
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
B. Review vouchers and consideration to pay
Motion to pay vouchers 23-094 through 23-112 in the amount of $55,076.52
Motion: A Gilpin Seconded: R Doyle
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
12. Communications – None
13. Old Business – none
14. Matters Arising – none
15. Meeting adjourned at 9:23 PM
16. Next regular meeting on Monday, June 12, 2023 at 7:00 pm
Morgan Tibbitts, Assistant District Secretary