309 Alplaus Ave, Alplaus, NY
(518) 399-2288

Board of Fire Commissioners Meeting Minutes – June 12, 2023

Protecting Our Community Since 1930

Board of Fire Commissioners Meeting Minutes – June 12, 2023

Board of Fire Commissioners

Glenville Fire District # 2

June 12, 2023

In Attendance:  Mike McHale, Richard Doyle


  1. Meeting Call to Order
  • 7:05 pm
  1. Approval of the Agenda
  • Mike motion and Richard second; so approved.
  1. Approval of the Minutes from May’s meeting
  • Mike motion and Richard second; so approved.
  1. Public hearing and Requests for Use
  • Public Comment:  
  • Kurt Haushalter Questions
    • No meeting minutes being posted on the community board and not on website.
      • Posting minutes, but not appearing out there.
      • Also requesting full Treasure’s report needs to be posted.
      • Wants to have a more detailed report?
    • Engine 221:
      • What is the District plan for replacing 221?
      • Look at 5 years out from the end of the bond to start the looking something now.
    • Did the Board act on the equipment that would look to be disposed of.  Did we do anything with that?  District hasn’t moved on this yet.
    • Brought up the issue with the use of a one time grant from Schenectady County of the Fire District sign out front.  He thinks that it should be used in another way.
    • Brought up the question of the website and how we went about finding the web designer/developer.  
    • Please add Joe’s notes for the answers to the websites, signage, and other.
  1. 6/25/23 Graduation Party Stacy and Pete Frisoni 12:00 – 7:00 pm
    • Mike M. motion and Richard D. second; unanimous approval
  2. 8/13/23 Baby Shower Lindsey Tibbitts 10-5 pm
  3. Richard D. motion and Mike M. second; unanimous approval
  4. 6/20/23 Sidewalk Project Alplaus Ave, Andy Gilpin at 5:15 pm
  5. Mike M. motion and Joe L. second; unanimous approval
  6. Chairman’s CommentsDefer to LOSAP Review
  7. Craig Relyea Firefly Administrator
    • Recommended contribution of $19,313 for 2023.
    • Recommended contribution for 2024 calculated at $44,095 to account for the new eligibility with lower age and for the underperformance of the investment in 2022 (-14.97%).
    • Craig presented the Annual Report as of January 1, 2023 for the 2022 year.
    • Reviewed the current Length of Service Award Program Plan Document and the amendments that were enacted.
  8. Adam Horowitz, Assistant VP Investment Officer Glens Falls National Bank
  1. Presented the Investment Review of the LOSAP investment.
  2. Talked about the -14.75% return in 2022.
  3. Talked about the 4.8% increase in 2023 as of the end of May 2023.
  4. Chief’s Monthly Report; Mike M. motion, Richard D. second; unanimously approved.
    1. Activity and Calls- 42 Calls for May attended by 7.5 members; a lot of members coming to calls.
  5. Copy of the Chief’s report available.
  1. Equipment Report
  2. Training Report
  3. Request for External Courses
  1. New Business
    1. Purchase Requests Nozzles Chief
  2. Motion to approve purchase of 9 Akron nozzles for the trucks in the total amount $6,118; Richard D. motion and Joe L. second; unanimously approved.
  1. Standing Committee Reports
  2. Long Range Planning(A. Gilpin / M. McHale)
    • No report at this time, but should consider long-term projects to replace or repair building issues.
  3. Building and Grounds (R. Doyle, M. McHale / J. McLeod)
  1. Brick project update Review of Landscaper Quotes R. Doyle
    • Talked about the amount of bricks sold, more bricks that are projected to be sold by Ladies Auxiliary, and the Ladies Auxiliary giving back all the proceeds to help fund the project.
    • Richard D. got two quotes for the brick placement and doing the work.  Average around $10,000 – $12,000.
  2. Review of sealcoating bids M. McHale
    • 3 quotes for sealcoating bids collected by Mike M.
    • Motion made by Mike M. to accept J & J Super Seal to patch and sealcoat the new parking lot for $3,750.  Unanimous approval.
    • Equipment(J. LaCoppola / R. Doyle)
      1. No report at this time.
  3. Safety and Regulatory (J. McLeod / M. McHale)
  4. No report at this time.
  5. Medical Program/Physical Examinations (A. Gilpin / R. Doyle)
  6. Two physical examinations completed for new members.
  7. Communications and Warnings (R. Doyle/ J. McLeod)
  8. No report at this time.
  9. Finance (McHale/A Gilpin)
  1. Joe L. made a motion to accept the auditors report as presented, Andy G. seconded.  Unanimous approval.
  2. July should be our 2024 budget planning meeting session.                          

                  h.  Service Awards Program (J. LaCoppola / A. Gilpin)

  • Presentation by Glens Falls National in the beginning of meeting covered lots of material, performance, and annual report.

9. Special Committee Reports:  Fourth July Activities, Approval of Policies completed with Lexipol

Website Approval: Mike M. makes a motion to engage MadAddie for website design for the Alplaus Fire Company and Fire District for $3,100, Joe L. seconded.  Unanimous approval.

Lexipol Policy and Procedures:

Joe L. made a motion to accept the draft policies General Operations, Organization and Administration, presented to the District, and Fire Service Role and Authority as presented through work with Lexipol. Mike M. seconded.  Unanimous approval.

10. Treasurer’s Report:  Mike M. made a motion to accept the Treasure’s Report, Joe L. seconded.  Unanimous approval.

  1. Review of Report. (Approved)
  2. Review of Findings from the reconciliation of Checking Statement First National Bank. (Approved)
  3. Review of Carry over and grants. 
  4. Motion to Approve bills 23-113 through 23-138, excepting 23-119, which was held back for review in the amount of $17,183.03.  Motion made by Mike M., second by Joe L.  Unanimous approval.  Voice vote by each Commissioner in attendance.

11. Old Business:  

A. Sign Update- Sign is being worked on and should be done by the 4th of July.

B. Webpage (See above comments and approval of the contract with MadAddie.

C. Volunteer Fire Fighters/ Ambulance Workers Tax Exemption Joe gave update that the Town 

of Glenville approved and passed the Tax Exemption in accordance with the Fire District.

12. Matters Arising

13.Adjournment: Motion to adjourn Mike M.  Seconded by Richard Doyle.  Unanimous approval.

Next Meeting July 10, 2023, 7 pm


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