Board of Fire Commissioners Meeting Minutes – March 13, 2023

Board of Fire Commissioners
Glenville Fire District # 2
Alplaus, NY 12008
Minutes of March 13, 2023
- Meeting Called to Order at 7:05 pm
In attendance: Commissioners Richard Doyle, Andy Gilpin, John McLeod, Mike McHale, Joe LaCoppola (remote), Chief Glenn Kreig, Treasurer Tom Esmond, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer Morgan Tibbitts
- Motion to approve the agenda
Motion: R Doyle Seconded: J McLeod
Vote: Ayes: 4 Noes: 0
Motion Carried
- Approval of the Minutes from February meeting
Motion: A Gilpin Seconded: J McLeod
Vote: Ayes: 4 Noes: 0
Motion Carried
- Public hearing and Requests for Use
- Motion to approve Lindsey Tibbitts’ request to hold a game night on 3/18/23
Motion: R Doyle Seconded: A Gilpin
Vote: Ayes: 4 Noes: 0
Motion Carried
- Chairman’s Comments:
- Scoutmaster Mike Zaccaria
Motion to approve chartering Boy Scouts troop 3036
Motion: J McLeod Seconded: R Doyle
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion Carried
- Update partial tax exemption
- Happy Rehab Tax
- Chief’s Monthly Report
- Activity and Calls – Chief Kreig presented the chief’s report for the month of February, 2023. There were 42 alarms, averaging 6 mem per call. 3 drills in feb, ice rescue, radio comm, fire investigation.
- Equipment Report – ordered EMS jackets, ordered thermal camera, working on getting new gear drier in service, work day on 4/1 to do cleaning, moving, and go through old equipment. Department thanked by Scotia, for helping with structure fire. Thanked by TC for funeral coverage. Schedule all trucks for general preventative maintenance, Joey will do maintenance on mini pumper and pick up. Air packs are on year 5 – need hydrotesting.
c. Training Report – 3 Drills, including ice rescue, radio communication, and fire investigation
d. Request for External Courses – none
Motion to approve the chief’s report
Motion: M McHale Seconded: J McLeod
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion Carried
- New Business
- Purchase Requests
- Standing Committee Reports
- Long Range Planning
- Building and Grounds
- ●None, but need to get lawn bid announcement out so we can select next month
- ●Sidewalks: bath to bridge, crosswalk to 2nd, to Nat Grid property, Bruce, Brookside, aim to start 7/5, finished by Sept/Oct
- ●Need end date for brick sale
- ●Maintenance?
- Equipment
- Safety and Regulatory
- Medical Program/Physical Examinations
- ●None
- Communications and Warnings
- Finance
- ●Happy Rehab tax may impact budgeting for next year
- ●District supposed to make sure Company’s books audited annually
h. Service Awards Program
- Posting completed, forms reviewed, shared with Andy. Inc everything from Firefly, the resolution,
- Resolution:
Motion: R Doyle Seconded: M McHale
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion Carried
- Special Committee Reports:
- None
10.Treasurer’s Report
Bank statements reviewed by Andy Gilpin
- Tom Esmond presented his report and showed a balance of $458,753.38 in the Operating Funds, and $153,990.04 in the Reserve Funds as of February 28, 2023
Motion to approve the treasurer’s balance sheet report
Motion: A Gilpin Seconded: J McLeod
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion Carried
- Review vouchers and consideration to pay
Motion to pay vouchers 23-050 through 23-072 in the amount of $14,252.69, holding check 23-062 until confirmation from Chief Kerig that item has been delivered
Motion: M McHale Seconded: R Doyle
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion Carried
11.Old Business:
- Sign Update
- 3 quotes on sign: Ray Signs, AJ Signs, Olson Signs
12. Matters Arising
- Banquet has been moved to 4/15
13. Motion to adjourn meeting at 8:26 pm
Motion: M McHale Seconded: R Doyle
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion Carried
14. Next Meeting April 10, 2023