309 Alplaus Ave, Alplaus, NY
(518) 399-2288

Board of Fire Commissioners Meeting Minutes – February 13, 2023

Protecting Our Community Since 1930

Board of Fire Commissioners Meeting Minutes – February 13, 2023

Board of Fire Commissioners

Glenville Fire District # 2

Alplaus, NY 12008

Minutes of February 13, 2023

1. Meeting Call to Order at 7:03 pm

In Attendance: Commissioners Richard Doyle, Andy Gilpin, Mike McHale, John McLeod,

Joe LaCoppola (remote), Chief Glenn Kreig, Treasurer Tom Esmond, Assistant

Treasurer/Secretary Morgan Tibbitts, Secretary Kathleen Casey (remote)

2. Motion to approve the Agenda

Amended – discuss messaging board sign out

Motion: M McHale Seconded: J McLeod

Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0

Motion Carried

3. Approval of the Minutes from January meeting

Motion: R Doyle Seconded: M McHale

Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0

Motion Carried

4. Public hearing and Requests for Use

A. Motion to approve the Glen Hills Swim Club 2/22/23, 6-8 pm to hold a meeting at the


Motion: M McHale Seconded: J McLeod

Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0

Motion Carried

B. Motion to approve ARA’s request to have a meeting on 3/23/23

Motion: M McHale Seconded: A Gilpin

Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0

Motion Carried

C. Motion to approve Glenn Kreig’s request to hold a graduation celebration on 7/8/23

Motion: R Doyle Seconded: M McHale

Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0

Motion Carried

D. Motion to approve Drew Coppola’s request to hold wedding ceremony for Billy and

Cassandra Coppola on 8/26/23

Motion: R Doyle Seconded: J McLeod

Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0

Motion Carried

5. Chairman’s Comments:

A. Presentation Partial Real Property Tax Exemption

B. Review of Partial Real Property Tax Exemption Policy and Procedure

Motion: J McLeod Seconded: M McHale

Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0

Motion Carried

C. Motion Agreeing to apply partial real property tax exemption to the Fire District Taxes

Motion: A Gilpin Seconded: J McLeod

Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0

Motion Carried

6. Chief’s Monthly Report

a. Activity and Calls – Chief Kerig presented the chief’s report for the month of January, 2023.

There were 34 alarms, 3 fire, 17 mutual aid, 13 ems, 1 good intent.

b. Equipment Report -Nnew fan arrived in service, combi tool still on order, gear dryer is in

c. Training Report – 5 drills, including ppe inspection, winter weather operations, explorer drills

d. Request for External Courses –

Lightweight Construction, attended by Assistant Chief Coppola, Cassandra, Billy,


Incident Safety Officer, attended by Chief Kreig, Lindsey, Madison

Contamination Prevention, attended by Assistant Chief Coppola

Motion to accept the Chief’s report

Motion: A Gilpin Seconded: M McLeod

Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0

Motion Carried

7. New Business

a. Purchase Requests

23-001 EMS Coats, $2000

23-002 Thermal Imaging Camera, $5000

23-003 Exposure Suits $1000

Motion to approve purchase requests 23-001, 23-002, 23-003 from Chief Kreig

Motion: M McHale Seconded: M McLeod

Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0

Motion Carried

b. Boy Scout Troop 3036 Charter Request

Church no longer wishes to charter scouts. Willing to give space and storage only. Warrants

further discussion, look into inviting current group to present

C. Sign out front – Did not receive grant for it, town has sign grant program up to 5k, looking to

see if it can be used for organizations. Last year quote 26k+

8. Standing Committee Reports

a. Long Range Planning

Review of proposal Lexipol for Policy

Total cost is 4146.75, if we wish to continue, yearly is 321.10.

Motion to accept bid from Lexipol to keep our policies updated for above price

Motion: M McHale Seconded: J LaCoppola

Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0

Motion Carried

b. Building and Grounds

1. Completion of Electrical work

2. Sidewalk Update – ARA mtg, sidewalks are moving forward, county paying for the

whole thing.

3. Need to put out for lawn bids

c. Equipment


d. Safety and Regulatory


e. Medical Program/Physical Examinations


f. Communications and Warnings


g. Finance

Cancer Insurance Policy – Hartford group. May get a revised invoice.

NBT Insurance Review

h. Service Awards Program

Review 1/1/23-1/31/23 Statement Review Trust Accounting Review

9. Special Committee Reports:


10. Treasurer’s Report

Bank statements reviewed by Andy Gilpin

A. Tom Esmond presented his report and showed a balance of $69,714.20 in the Operating

Funds, and $153,974.68 in the Reserve Funds as of January 31, 2023

Motion to approve the treasurer’s balance sheet report

Motion: M McHale Seconded: J McLeod

Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0

Motion Carried

Review vouchers and consideration to pay

Motion to pay vouchers 23-020 through 23-049 in the amount of $26,402.47

Motion: M McHale Seconded: J McLeod

Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0

Motion Carried

11.Old Business:

a. Review of Report

(R. Doyle/ J. McLeod)

(J. LaCoppola / A. Gilpin)

b. Review of Findings from the reconciliation of Checking Statement First National


C. Review of Carry over and grants.

FEMA Grant Update, Planet Fitness Update

12. Matters Arising


13. Meeting Adjourned at 9:33 PM

14. Next Meeting March 13, 2023


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