Board of Fire Commissioners Meeting Minutes – January 5, 2023
Board of Fire Commissioners
Glenville Fire District #2
Alplaus, NY 12008
Minutes of January 5, 2023 Meeting
1. Chairman Pro Tem Tom Esmond called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.
In Attendance: Commissioners Andy Gilpin, Mike McHale, Joe LaCoppola, Richard Doyle, John McLeod, Chief Glenn Kreig, Assistaant Chief Andrew Coppola, Treasurer Tom Esmond, Assistant Treasurer/Secretary Morgan Tibbitts, Sec’y K Casey
2. Acting Chairman Esmond called for the results of the Commissioner election held on Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Results: Mike McHale received the majority of votes for the five year term.
3. Mike McHale was sworn in to serve as Commissioner from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2027
4. Nomination for Chairman of Board of Commissioners
Andy Gilpin nominated Joe LaCoppola, seconded by Richard Doyle. No other nominations presented.
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
5. Nomination for Vice Chairman of Board of Commissioners
Mike McHale nominated Richard Doyle, seconded by John McLeod.. No other nominations presented.
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
6. Motion by Joe LaCoppola to accept the following slate of Firematic Officers for 2022, seconded by Andy Gilpin
Captains Lindsey Tibbitts and Joe LaCoppola, Lieutenants Andrew Schultz, and Cassandra Coppola (EMS), Captain Fire Police Richard Doyle, Safety Officer Chris Sullivan-Irwin
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
7. Resolution for Appointments and Other Organizational Matters for 2023 amended to include affirmation of Bryans & Gramuglia to perform the annual audit (copy attached)
Motion: J LaCoppola Seconded: M McHale
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
8. Resolution to appoint Drew Coppola as District Procurement Officer for 2023
Motion: R Doyle Seconded: J Mcleod
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
9. Resolution to adopt the list of scheduled meetings for 2023 and to include the provision for special meetings, as necessary
Motion: R Doyle Seconded: A Gilpin
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
10. Motion to Appoint Standing Committees
Long Range A Gilpin/M McHale
Buildings and Grounds R Doyle/M McHale/J McLeod
Equipment J LaCoppola/R Doyle
Safety and Regulatory J McLeod/M McHale
Communications and Warnings R Doyle/J McLeod
Medical/Physical Program A Gilpin/R Doyle
Finance M McHale/A Gilpin
Service Award Program J LaCoppola/A Gilpin
Motion: A Gilpin Seconded: J McLeod
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
11.. Motion to appoint Tom Esmond as Internal Administrator of LOSAP and District Funds
Motion: Mike McHale Seconded: A Gilpin
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
12. Motion to appoint Secretary Kathleen Casey as Custodian of Records and Records Access Officers
Motion: M McHale Seconded: A Gilpin
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
13. Approval of Minutes of December Meeting
Motion: M McHale Seconded: A Gilpin
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
14. Public Hearing and Requests for Use – Motion by Mike McHale to approve Caron Kuo’s request to host a birthday party on January 21; seconded by John McLeod
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
15. Chief’s Monthly Report –
A. Activity and Calls – Chief Coppola presented his report for the month of December, 2022 (Copy attached). There were thirty five alarms – averaging 6.7 members per call. Total calls for 2022 was 380.
B. Training report – submitted for December
C. Equipment report – submitted for December
Motion to accept the Chief’s report as presented
Motion: Andy Gilpin Seconded::Mike McHale
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
16. Purchase Requests – None at this time
17. Standing Committee Reports
A. Long Range Planning – No report
B. Buildings & Grounds – No issues to report
. C. Equipment –..No report.
D. Safety & Regulatory – PPE inspection done
E. Communications & Warnings. – No report
F. Finance –.The annual audit is scheduled for February 21 and 22
G. Service Awards Program –. The latest LOSAP balance as of November 30, 2022 was $873,235.14.
H. Medical/Physicals – Access Health submitted reports for all the physicals performed in December, 2022
18. Special Committees – None
19. Treasurer’s Report
Andy Gilpin reviewed the bank statements
A. Tom Esmond’s report showed a balance of $101,814.29 in the operating fund and $153,965.88 in the Reserve Funds as of December 31, 2022
Motion to approve the treasurer’s report as presented
Motion: M McHale Seconded: A Gilpin
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
B. Review vouchers and Consideration to Pay
Motion to pay vouchers 23-001 through 23-019 in the amount of $32,102.32
Motion: M McHale Seconded: J McLeod
Vote: Ayes: A Gilpin, M McHale, J LaCoppola, R Doyle, J McLeod Noes: 0
Motion carried.
20. Communications: – None
21. Old Business – None
22. Matters Arising: – Chief Kreig requested the issuance of gasoline credit cards as an alternative to using the Town Garage for vehicle fuel
23. Adjournment at 8:20 PM
24. Next regular meeting on February 13, 2023 at 7:00 pm.
Kathleen Casey
District Secretary