Board of Fire Commissioners Meeting Minutes – October 9, 2023

- Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm
Attendance: Commissioners Joe La Coppola, John McLeod, Andy Gilpin, Treasurer Tom Esmond, Secretary Morgan Tibbitts
2. Approval of October Agenda
Motion: A Gilpin Seconded: J McLeod
Ayes: 3 Noes: 0
Motion Carried
3. Approval of Minutes from September board meeting and the Special Meeting with the Ladies
Motion: A Gilpin Seconded: J LaCoppola
Motion Carried
4. Public Hearing and Requests for Use
Motion to approve the Glen Hills Swim Club Board to hold a meeting in the community room, 11/2/23
Motion: A Gilpin Seconded: J McLeod
Ayes: 3 Noes: 0
Motion Carried
5. Motion to approve L. Tibbitts to hold an event in the community room, 11/19/23, 11am-5pm.
Motion: A Gilpin Seconded: J McLeod
Ayes: 3 Noes: 0
Motion Carried
Chairman’s Comments
Lexipol policies and procedures have been completed by Commissioner LaCoppola, Chief Kreig and
Chief Coppola
Motion to accept all policies and procedures that have been completed through Lexipol with the
understanding they will be fully implemented by the fire company by 1/1/24.
Motion: J LaCoppola Seconded: A Gilpin
Ayes: 3 Noes: 0
Motion Carried
Motion to sell used engine tires to Chief Coppola for $20 per tire, totaling $80.00.
Motion: A Gilpin Seconded: J McLeod
Ayes: 3 Noes: 0
Motion Carried
Motion to match funds of $2,500 to DEC grant, if awarded.
Motion: J LaCoppola Seconded: A Gilpin
Ayes: 3 Noes: 0
Motion Carried
6. Chief’s Monthly Report
Activity and Calls – 50 alarms, averaging 6 members per call.
Equipment Report – none
Training Report – Held 3 drills in September, covering Tool Skills, EMS, and First Due Engine. 3
members currently taking HAZMAT IC, 1 member in Firefighter 2, 1 member signed up for IFO.
Holding Live Burn Drill by Calderwood on 10/15, EGFD and TCFD have been invited.
Request for External Courses/Purchases – None
7. Executive Session called at 7:18pm. Executive Session ended at 7:26pm, regular meeting resumed.
New Member notice – Arin Nebolini was voted into the Alplaus Fire Company on 10/13 as a
probationary member.
Motion to accept Arin Nebolini as a new member of the fire district.
Motion: Gilpin Seconded: McLeod
Ayes: 3 Noes: 0
Motion Carried
8. New Business
9. Standing Committee Reports
a. Long Range Planning (Gilpin/McHale)
b. Building and Grounds (Doyle/McHale/McLeod)
Brick project update. Bricks ordered, due to arrive Friday 10/13.
Pavilion upgrades – Determine material to be used, and additional costs for 3 countertops.
quote from Madison Turf to extend pavilion by 12 feet.
Sidewalk Extension Review – A Gilpin.
Opening of snow removal bids. 2 bids received – Madison Turf at $4,600 and Andy’s Cleaning at
Motion to accept bid from Andy’s Cleaning for total cost of $3,800
Motion: A Gilpin Seconded: McLeod
Ayes: 3 Noes: 0
Motion Carried
c. Equipment (La Coppola/Doyle)
d. Safety and Regulatory (McLeod/McHale)
e. Medical Program/Physical Examinations (Gilpin/Doyle)
f. Communications and Warnings (Doyle/McLeod)
g. Finance (McHale/Gilpin)
Public budget hearing 10/17/23, 7 pm. Noted on sign and in the newspaper. .
Money market review
h. Service Awards Program (La Coppola/Gilpin)
The LOSAP balance as of 8/31/23 is $840,396.85.
9. Special Committee Reports
10. Treasurer’s Report
Review of Report – Tom Esmond presented his report and showed a balance of $310,813.20 in the
General Fund, and $154,098.02 in the Reserve Fund as of September 30, 2023
Motion to approve the treasurer’s balance sheet report
Motion: A Gilpin Seconded: J LaCoppola
Ayes: 3 Noes: 0
Motion carried
Review of findings from the reconciliation of checking statement First National Bank
Review of carry over and grants
Review vouchers and considerations to pay
Motion to pay vouchers 23-193 through 23-217 for $123,312.
Motion: LaCoppola Seconded:A Gilpin
Ayes: 3 Noes: 0
Motion carried
11. Old Business
Webpage update – Aiming to have the website up by 11/1/23.
12. Matters arising
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm. Next meeting is November 13, 7 pm.