Board of Fire Commissioners Meeting Minutes – July 10, 2023
Board of Fire Commissioners
Glenville Fire District #2
Alplaus, NY 12008
Minutes of July 10, 2023 Meeting
1. Meeting called to order at 7:01 pm
In Attendance: Commissioners Joe La Coppola, Andy Gilpin, Richard Doyle, John McLeod, Mike McHale, Chief Glenn Kreig, Treasurer Tom Esmond, Secretary Morgan Tibbitts
2. Motion to approve the agenda
Motion: M McHale Seconded: A Gilpin
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
3. Motion to approve the minutes of the June meeting
- Amendment made to attendees of June meeting
Motion: J McLeod Seconded: M McHale
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
4. Public hearing and Requests for Use
5. Chairman’s comments
Moment of silence for Kathy Casey
6. Chief’s Monthly Report
A. Activity and Calls – Chief Glenn Kreig presented the Chief’s report for the month of June, 2023. There were 51 alarms – averaging 8 members per call.
B. Equipment Report – No Purchase Requests
C. Training report – 3 drills, including Water Rescue, Driver Training, and SCBA Air Management
Motion to accept Chief report:
Motion:M McHale Seconded: A Gilpin
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
Motion to make the Chief’s vehicle available for the 2 weeks of training in Wilton, NY
Motion:M McHale Seconded: R Doyle
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
7. New Business– None
9. Standing Committee Reports –
A. Long Range – Prepare for spending on a new truck, Joe reached out to the bank for more information regarding additional payment. Revisit vehicle replacement plan.
B. Buildings & Grounds – Met with landscaper, got 3 bids, also getting one from neil. Sidewalk project: work to be starting soon. County to tear up concrete in front. Trade use of meeting room for taking out the slabs since the county doesn’t have the right machinery. Town will plow snow from now on. Gas leak will be checked on in the boiler by Clough. Have sealcoating revisit work, looks discolored in spots. Overhead Door needs to be fixed.
C. Equipment – No report
D. Safety and Regulatory Programs – Aug/Sept, apparatus pump tests, hose tests
E. Communications and Warnings – No Report.
F. Medical and Physical Program – No Report.
G. Finance – Budget workshop 8/21, 7 pm
Travel Policy – add IRS rate for automobile travel, and IRS per diem rate. Board may enforce a ceiling, or deny training travel based on the current budget.
Motion to approve travel policy with the amendment of #2 in the Glenville Fire District #2 Section
Motion: M McHale Seconded: A Gilpin
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
H. Service Awards Program –
Motion to approve the resolution of unclaimed survivor’s benefits
Motion: A Gilpin Seconded: M McHale
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
10. Special Committee Reports – none
11.. Treasurer’s Report –
Andy Gilpin reviewed the bank statements
A. Tom Esmond presented his report and showed a balance of $347,071.19in the General Fund, and $154,064.64 in the Reserve Funds as of June 30, 2023
Motion to approve the treasurer’s balance sheet report
Motion: M McHale Seconded: R Doyle
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
B. Review vouchers and consideration to pay
Motion to pay vouchers 23-139 through 23-153 in the amount of $27,477.29
Motion: M McHale Seconded: J McLeod
Vote: Ayes: 5 Noes: 0
Motion carried
12. Communications – None
13. Old Business – Discussed sign request form.
- Webpage update – met with madaddie, beginning to develop webpage.
14. Matters Arising – none
15. Meeting adjourned at 8:27 PM
16. Next regular meeting on Monday, August 14, 2023 at 7:00 pm
Morgan Tibbitts, District Secretary